illumiBook provides a platform to help readers discover the enjoyment of real books while providing content owners the ability to blend digital media with the printed page. Designed to help young children with literacy challenges; others to choose a real book without loosing the advantages of digital; while also delivering a platform for museum, gallery and street tours.
illumiBook helps the user experience the real world where the mobile phone or tablet becomes enablers of entertainment and education, not destinations in themselves.
The research behind illumiBook
For those that want proven reasons to try illumiBook, there is science, not just ideology, behind our designs and objectives. We’re always on the lookout for ways to enhance the reading experience, especially for those that find reading a challenge. I’m excited therefore to share some of the research in language and literacy psychology that highlights the unique advantages of our platform. While some of these benefits might already be familiar to you, we have recently updated our FAQ page to make it easier to discover the research behind our platform.
Here’s why we believe illumiBook matters:
1. Enhanced Comprehension with Physical Books: Research continues to show that reading from a physical book leads to better comprehension and knowledge retention compared to digital devices. It’s a simple yet powerful way to make the most out of your reading time.
2. Beyond ‘Ear-Reading’: While audiobooks, at times referred to as “ear-reading”, are a popular choice — thanks to platforms like Audible, Apple and others — research shows that the benefits of traditional reading surpass those of simply listening. This highlights the unique value of illumiBook.
3. The Power of Synchronised Reading: One of the most exciting findings is the benefit of reading along with a book while it’s being read aloud. This method, known as Audio-Assisted Reading, has been shown to significantly improve comprehension, especially for children with learning difficulties or individuals learning a new language.
We’re proud to showcase how illumiBook not only brings the joy of reading to life but also amplifies learning and comprehension through our unique blend of physical books and synchronised audio. Using digital devices as aids rather than the destination. The research underscores that our approach offers substantial advantages over digital reading methods, particularly in enhancing focus and retaining information.
While audiobooks will always have their place, illumiBook offers a richer, more immersive reading experience. Personally, I’ve often found my focus drifting off while listening to an audiobook, only to realise I’ve missed entire sections. Our synchronised reading approach helps keep you fully engaged with a physical book in your hands, ensuring you don’t miss a thing.
Explore the research and see for yourself how illumiBook is transforming the reading experience. The most important thing is help with the reading experience; whether this be digital, audio or physical. Reading regularly and frequently is what matters. We believe here at illumiBook Publishing that for those that need a little help, there’s illumiBook.
Visit our FAQ page on our website to learn more! Or just download a free copy of the app to your iPhone or iPad and try with one of the books in our library. You might join our growing list of users that discovered how good and easy it is to help young minds develop the love of reading.
Reading is one of lifes great pleasures. Whether youre a child, a student, or an adult, theres nothing quite like getting lost in a good book. However, sometimes words and pictures just arent enough. Sometimes, you want to go deeper, to learn more, to explore the world beyond the page. Thats where illumiBook comes in.